Saturday, October 5, 2013

1.23 You don't have to feel lonely

The beautiful sun rose over Appaloosa Plains on Birdy’s and Billy’s last day in elementary school, which lasted six years in this town. Although there had been times when they seemed to be stuck in that school forever, the years had eventually gone by and it was time to start a new stage in their lives. The entire family celebrated by having breakfast in the garden, early enough to get everyone ready in time. Billy was the last one to sit there.  Finally, he was no longer one of the little ones. He was ready to be a teenager, and he was ready to conquer the world.

Anna reluctantly hugged her oldest two kids goodbye that day. She knew she would see them later at the official ceremony in school, but still it was a special moment to let them go right now. The thoughts of the crowds of people she would face later made her queasy for a minute, since she knew how people had been talking about her during her stage of apathy. Everybody had seen how her kids suffered from her inability to be a good mother. 

Those times were gone, though, and had been replaced by much happier ones. Her kids had been able to be kids again, instead of little adults, and they had enjoyed it to the full. Looking back on the last few years made her realize how much all of them had grown. Birdy had shown more and more interest in science, while Billy had spent a lot of time in front of the mirror, trying to make himself look cool. 

She was glad Britney and Beth were still her little girls, who she could cuddle with occasionally. Although there was nothing she wanted more than seeing them age up into happy teenagers as well, she wanted them to stay children forever, just so that she could keep them save. The world was bad, she knew that.

The ceremony had been wonderful. After the headmaster had spoken some words to the little graduates, a choir had sung a beautiful song about being home and belonging to the place you grow up in. There had been a young soloist, who had been extremely excited, but managed to keep her voice calm nevertheless. The perfect evening at school, crowned by the perfect birthday party at home. It was official: Birdy and Billy were no longer children. 

Birdy went first, transforming into a gorgeous teenager. As a child, she had been bothered by her hair falling into her face all the time, which is why she tied it up and made a bun. 

She immediately took up painting in her newly renovated bedroom – a present from her mother. Anna had spent all of the money on a desk, new wallpaper and an easel. Everybody could see she was a natural in painting, and if she hadn’t been so fascinated by medicine and science, she might have been a real artist.

Growing up didn’t mean pulling back from her family. She was still the loving big sister, even though she was one huge step closer to being an adult. 

It wasn’t long before Billy celebrated his birthday, as well. He knew exactly what he was wishing for when he blew out the candles that meant entering a new world. While his family cheered and applauded, Billy aged up before their eyes.

Since he still had a little baby fat to lose, he chose a plain red shirt – his favorite color – and a casual lumberjack shirt above it. His beloved shoes matched the look perfectly. He still would have to work on the hairstyle, but for now it was cool enough.

Author's notes: only one (max. two) chapters, and them I am caught up! Wheeeee!


  1. Birdy grew up so cute! And Billy reminds me of Lancelot somehow. I hope he's headed for great things :).

    1. Oh, you're right! He kind of looks like him. We'll see if he becomes a character as memorable as Lancelot :)

    2. There some slight similarity in the facial structure, but I think it's because he's a bit overweight and wearing Lance's favorite shirt :).

    3. Overweight? That's all muscles :P And you have to admit, the shirt is kind of cool. I love it, too.
      BTW: I'm in the middle of writing the last chapter to catch up, if you are around for a bit, you'll get to see it soon :)

    4. I absolutely love that shirt, It's probably my favorite base game top for men. But I haven't used it in ages because it feels like too much repetition.

      I am! I realized that I'd never uploaded the Sample Gen 5 household to the Exchange, and I was running out of time. But I have so much CC, and it caused so much trouble for the Gen 4 household upload, that I am currently running my game everything removed and fixing the skintones and hair so that my uploads should be safe.

      The kid is taking a late nap, so I'm around until she wakes up.

    5. You're right, it looks boring if every second sim has the same outfit. I don't have that many favorite outfits for men, and I don't really like dressing them according to their personalities, because I think that many outfits look hideous. The shirt is awesome, though, so he is going to stick with it for a while ;)

      That's great to hear :) Almost done writing, will start uploading pictures in a minute.
